In Chinese Astrology, the year you were born determines the zodiac animal that rules your sign. In every 12-year cycle there is a different animal sign, and those born in that year are said to have the characteristics and traits that animal portrays.
In the Astrological calendar, due to the twelve year rotational form, there are twelve different animal signs. The rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Every animal sign belongs to one of the four "triangle of affinities". Each of these triangles has three animal signs and they are known as "horoscope allies". Allies are people you get along with very well, they are your major supporters and will help keep obstacles less challenging. Your secret friend is the one who will stick with you through bad and good times and will help you without regard. With their help, good fortune are multiplied and achievements are easily within reach. This friend will be a reliable protector for you to run to whenever you’re in trouble or in need of support. They will never let you down.
You can easily benefit from the luck of friends and allies by displaying images of your affinity allies and friends around you.
One of the beliefs is if your astrological forecast does not have auspicious prediction during a specific year for your sign, you can ‘borrow” some of the luck of friends and allies to help you improve your luck this year and help you rise above the afflictions to your own personal animal.
Your zodiac friends will give you the power and energy to get through these problematic times, as well as excel in your business endeavours.
There is a very ancient Feng Shui formula that shows three situations when you can activate your friend and allies to help in accommodating with your needs.
A) For those zodiacs signs that will be experiencing a bad year, you can activated your aliens and friend to borrow some of their luck.
B) To archive maximum result for those signs of the zodiac that will experience a great year.
C) Those zodiac signs who are seeking for smooth relationships, and improve social life, and business luck.
Each animal of the Chinese zodiac has its own personal direction beneficial to them. Using this direction we can activated their help. First you need to find out the direction of your own personal zodiac signs. I.e. An earth Ox.
You can set up the formula in a regular Tai Chi. This means the whole house or building direction. Using a compass you need to identify the direction of the house according to your astrological animal. If you are an earth OX your direction according to the table below is Northeast 1 (022.5 – 037.5 degrees).
Now if you know which of the elements you belong to, set up in this area an object that belongs to your element (in this example we are using earth) like rock, clay, ceramic objects etc. together with the figures of you zodiac sign, friend and allies.
If you want to use the formula in a small Tai Chi meaning in just one room. With the compass from the center of the room find out the right location to activate your personal direction. Placing your own animal sign together with some of the elements your sign belongs to and the figures of your secret friend and allies.
For those who want to extend the benefit when traveling or being outdoors, an amulet of the secret friend and allies should be left in the area for a period of 7 days to recharge with the “Chi” of the personal direction and then carried with you at all times.